139090 hits since the

1st of October 2004

Hello and welcome to my Nintendo Themes. These themes are only avalibe to European GameCube users that submitted to Nintendo purchase details of games and a Gamecube, well at least they use to be :)

First off you will need to downlaod the Nintendo Desktop Manager to be able to install them. Click Here to Download [ 1.30mb ]

Now choose your theme from below and downlaod away :)

Gameboy Advance SP
Super Mario Sunshine
Click To Download [ 2.58mb]

Enternal Darkness
Metroid Prime
Click To Download [ 1.67mb ]
Click To Download [ 2.72mb ]
Click To Download [ 3.00mb ]

Starfox Adventures
Zelda: The Wind Waker

That's it, as far as i know i am not missing any of them. I big thanks to "Grey Ninja" from Planet Gamecube forums for giving me all these files :)


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